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Image by Nick Fewings
Gabriele's Books

Back into the Game! (German language only)
The Guide to Your Dream Job

Zurück ins Spiel

KDP 2021

How do you get yourself (back) into the game after a job loss, a more extended career break, or if you want to reorient yourself professionally? How do you find the job you've wanted for a long time? What should you do if you're going to take the next successful step in your career?

There are four questions you need to answer before you get started:

What can you do? Do you know your unique profile that sets you apart from everyone else? Do you know the right keywords that recruiters and AIs are looking for?

What do you want? What are your goals? 

What does the market offer or want? 

What do you need to know to present yourself successfully in today's job market? Do you know the critical questions you will be asked in interviews? Do you know the dos and don'ts?

This book provides answers to these questions. As a bonus, you will also find various coaching techniques to help you work out your talents, skills, and strengths and find the job that suits you. 

The book is a guide that accompanies you through a step-by-step process with clear recommendations on how to get your new dream job. 

Available in German language only.


Blume: "An excellent, hands-on book"
(5 Stars)

The book is captivating and stands out, because it's written by an experienced practitioner. The vividly described experiences of those affected by a job loss create a deep insight into different cases happening to managers. The entire new placement process incl. dos and don'ts are outlined in the second half of the book, which is very valuable and can be used as a checklist.  A worth reading book... also for people who are in a career reorientation.

Kicked out of the Executive Suite (German language only)

Top Managers report

Haufe Publishing 2013

Cover Buch

Terminating managers is "business as usual" these days. Unfortunately, and too often, managers are not informed of their termination in a personal conversation, but, for example, via deactivated parking cards, blocked access codes or an entry in the manager's public calendar. Sounds unlikely or exaggerated? No. I interviewed over a hundred top managers who were willing to tell me their resignation stories. Confidential, of course. My book "With the Kick out of the Executive Suite" tells many shocking termination scenes—authentic stories from top managers in Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Italy, and Spain. Dismissals without follow-up advice or support change a person. What very few HR managers and executives know: a termination has a similar effect on a person as a divorce or the death of a family member. Depression and health problems can be the result. What does this mean for your company itself? In any case, a termination does not remain without effect on the employees who stay behind. Word gets around on social media, i.e., a loss of public reputation (e.g., on kununu or is the result—many reasons to approach the most challenging management tasks differently.


Red rider: "You are fired, boss!"
(5 Stars)

Kündigungen aus dem Angestelltenverhältnis sind für den Betroffenen immer schmerzhaft. Für Top-Manager und ehemalige Spitzenkräfte des Unternehmens ist der (unverhoffte) Rauswurf eine besondere traumatische Erfahrung, die “mit einem Schock beginnt und nicht selten in der Klinik oder sogar mit Suizid endet”, wie Gabriele Euchner in ihrem Buch “Mit dem Fußtritt aus der Chefetage” feststellt. Frei nach dem Motto “Je tiefer der Fall, desto schwerer der Aufprall” skizziert die Autorin anhand von Fallstudien die unverhofften Biografiebrüche von ehemaligen High-Performern der Wirtschaft. Und zeigt, wie der Ausweg aus der nachfolgenden Psycho-Krise gelingen kann. Roter Reiter-Fazit: “Mit dem Fußtritt aus der Chefetage” ist ein konzentriertes Anti-Depressivum, ein tröstlicher, sehr hilfreicher Ratgeber für alle, die mit der Kündigung nicht nur ihren Job, sondern auch die Lebensmitte verloren haben. Gleichzeitig erteilt Autorin Euchner den Personalverantwortlichen in großen Unternehmen eine Lektion in Sachen Menschenführung


F. Hauptental: "Courageous and necessary"
(5 Stars)

Die Autorin traut sich was: Mutig zeigt sie in ihrem drittenBuch, welch verheerende Wirkung unprofessionelles und unmenschliches Verhalten für Betroffene undUnternehmen haben kann. Die Interviews decken ein Ausmaß an (bewusster oder unbewusster) Ignoranz undÜberheblichkeit auf, dass allein das Lesen schmerzt. Die Autorin macht auch vor der Beschreibung ihrereigenen Erfahrung nicht Halt, bietet jedoch direkt konkrete Hilfestellung und wertvolle Tipps zur praktischenUnterstützung für Betroffene. Dies sind mitnichten nur Spitzenmanager, auch wenn der etwas reißerischeBuchtitel das zunächst vermuten lässt. Wertschätzung, Vertrauen und Weitblick, auch imTrennungsmanagement, gehen alle an: Mitarbeiter, Angestellte, Führungskräfte im mittleren Management,Topmanager - und Personaler.

Schlüsselfaktor Motivation

Motivation is Key (German language only)

From Employee to an Entrepreneurial Mindset

BoD, 2008

Motivated employees and managers are characterized by entrepreneurial thinking. They like to take on responsibility, weigh up risks and make decisions in the defined playing field in which they can and want to operate. This is what entrepreneurship means: a mindset, a question of personal attitude. It implies allowing room for maneuver, assuming responsibility and strengthening trust through emotional security. Having an “entrepreneurial mind” begins with managing oneself and leads to a differentiated approach to one's employees. This book is a practical book. It offers a basic knowledge of human behavior and, together with tried and tested coaching instruments, the opportunity to motivate and support on the way to an “entrepreneurial mindset”.

Success as Entrepreneur

The Quality Check for the New Generation of Managers

Erfolg als Entrepreneur

FTD, 2000

Entrepreneurial spirit brings not only entrepreneurs to the forefront of success, but also leaders and executives. entrepreneurship  means thinking holistically, weighing up risks and consequences, managing them economically and using personal strengths, experience and skills. It is important to network intuitive talents with management thinking, ie to recognize personal talents and preferences and make them available to the company. This requires far more from managers than the traditional specialist and management knowledge that was previously expected. Success as an entrepreneur stands out from the flood of relevant career guides.

The personal core competencies and not the previously known KPIs are placed in the foreground:

  • Value Creating: the ability to create value

  • Focusing: Concentration on the essentials

  • Communicating: strong communication skills

  • Connectivity: networked thinking and acting

  • Art & Science: the balance between creativity and logic

  • Curiosity: incessant curiosity

  • Courage: courage and willingness to take risks

  • Passion for Excellence: passion, energy and enthusiasm

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